Misty Henkel shares with us her experience of becoming a mum and the dilemma of earningmoney.“I always knew I would love my baby from themoment he was born, but I never knew I wouldfall in love with him as much as I did. And in thatsingle moment, I didn’t want to go back to work.”At some point, most mums face the dilemmaof earning money, whether that be becausethey need to help financially contribute to thehousehold or because they want to financiallyhelp contribute to the household.As with everything, finding out your options(before you need them) is always best, butjumping in and learning your options forearning money after you’ve had your baby isstill good.So let’s look at earning money while stayinghome. Here are some tips and information foryou to ponder…There are over 26,000 small businesses inCanberra of which over half of them are soletraders. So, yes, it is possible to be a mumand earn money while staying home with yourbaby.There is nothing that can’t be sold.Earning money is a process which starts at zerodollars and works its way up. Just know thatyou will get excited about earning millions andthen feel frustrated when it doesn’t happen(immediately).Join a mother’s business network to help,support you and advertise your offering.Networking is one of the best ways toadvertise yourself and what you are selling andat the same time you will make new friendshipson this journey we call motherhood. Canberrahas two fantastic networking groups for mumsin business – Canberra Business Mums andMy Vibe. Both groups are fantastic, supportive,vibrant and excited to include new people intotheir group.Network Marketing products are excellent forstarting a home-based business and earningextra money. What’s important for you toknow, is that you can’t sell what you don’t love,so the best companies to look into are theones with products you already use.Most skills and hobbies are marketable and thereal problem with selling them is who to talkto about your ideas. Again, this is when yournetwork of business mums comes in handy.Collectively, there won’t be a question thatcan’t be answered.The goal in the beginning is to earn money, notspend it, so don’t get excited and jump intothings that cost money. Websites can wait asyou work out what it is you are doing. A goodhead shot, though, could be something to lookinto early on.And here’s my favourite, products and servicesDO sell themselves. And we, as the seller, areusually the ones to turn people off buying.Therefore, grabbing a few tips on overcomingyour sales anxiety will go a long way to helpingyou earn money easier and with far more enjoyment.Misty Henkel is not your ‘ordinary’ Sales Trainer. She specialisesin Overcoming Sales Anxiety and getting people really excitedabout selling their “thing” and earning their own money. Thereisn’t a product or service she can’t teach someone to sell andis considered by many the first point of contact into starting abusiness from home. Phone: 0414849253